I have received quite a few product release emails in my inbox lately and most (all?) of them activated my gear acquisition syndrome. Here is a series of posts presenting those items.
First of all, the Dirty Deed distortion pedal is a worthy addition to the Seymour Duncan line of pedals, often overlooked as guitarists think of pickups whenever the brand is mentioned.
Anyway, the Dirty Deed offers a lot of gain on tap and aims at replicating classic rock and hard rock tones. The tone seems really “focused” from the demos I have seen, and to me some features really stand out: it is designed to work with both Fender and Marshall like amps, it seems usable at very low gain and you can run it at 9V or 18V for added saturation and compression. Last but not least it features a bass and a treble knob.
Here is one of the early demos for it:

Dans le même style “amp-like” je t’invite à regarder de plus près l’Alairex Halo. Juste une tuerie… 🙂 Deux canaux, grande dynamique et réponse, et la palette de sons possible est magique ! Testé en boutique samedi dernier, je suis reparti avec …
Merci du tuyau !